quinta-feira, 22 de março de 2012


BF3 Close Quarters oferecerá novas experiencias

DICE’s long awaited Battlefield 3 DLC announcement has been met with mixed reactions from fans, some echoing “finally!”, while other were disappointed in the direction the first DLC, Close Quarters, was taking (just go through the 250+ comments on our post and you’ll see). We’ve also gotten the firstscreenshot of a Close Quarters map, which appeared very small compared to regular BF3 maps.
However, DICE isn’t promoting the new Battlefield 3 DLC as just “map packs”, as a DICE representative said during an interview at GDC:
“Instead of delivering piecemeal map packs, we’re giving players a completely new experience with every themed expansion pack to keep the action fresh. Our expansions are designed to excite our large and active fan base while attracting new recruits with gameplay that is dynamic and unpredictable every time.”
The quote sounds a bit PR-ish, but we’ll have to wait and see what each DLC has to offer. We’ve barely seen any gameplay or screenshots from the new DLC, nor do we have any major details. Besides a June 2012 launch for Close Quarters

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